[NTLUG:Discuss] List policy

Kendall Clark kclark at ntlug.org
Wed Aug 4 10:48:01 CDT 1999


Yes, replies being set to the list, rather than to the poster, is a
change from the status quo, but I did it on purpose. I just don't
agree with the 'standard wisdom' that replies should be set to the

I want to keep as much of the conversation on the list as possible;
after all, that seems to me to be the point of having a
list. Especially now that the list does auto-archiving.


I consider this issue to be such that I'm not going to decide
unilaterally; though I will break any ties. :>

So, if you have an opinion about this, either way, let's hear it. To
the list please, not to me personally. (Unless it's to tell me how
clueless you think I am; I'll take those messages to my INBOX, please.)

Hey, what's the big deal about going to some building 
every Sunday?  I mean, isn't God everywhere?

		-- Homer Simpson
		   Homer the Heretic 

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