[NTLUG:Discuss] Linux Demo Day 99

Kevin McMillan kevin3 at ont.com
Tue Aug 17 01:11:11 CDT 1999

 >Steve Baker  wrote:

>Response does seem a little underwhelming.  I've only been a member for
>about 4 months - and I'm suprised that with such a huge attendance at
>meetings, and such a busy mailing list, that there isn't an avalanche of
>interest.  It also suprises me that we could be short of a speaker for
>the next meeting.
>Linux doesn't work if everyone just takes - you have to give back in
>proportion.  People: If you aren't out there writing OpenSource code or
>manuals, or giving presentations - then the least you can offer to do is
>stand in a store for a couple of hours answering questions and handing
>out fliers. (People who helped get that school set up are exempt from
>this flaming!)
	Exempt from your flame, why thank you . we are all so glad that you have seen fit to forgive some of us, and 
spared some of us your rantings.
	I was unable to make it to the school installation, because my wife is having health problems, ( Sorry Kathleen) . I 
am just learning to write ( code ) progarms, so no OpenSource yet. I am not interested in, nor experienced enough to write a 
manual, and do not possess a talent for public speaking. so no presentations.
	What I have managed to do, is to introduce some of my friends, relatives and others to Linux.. I have helped to 
install Linux on their machines, and am helping them, as much as I can, with technical difficulties when they arise. I support 
Linux with this group of people, much in the same way that I had previously supported MS products for these people. (  Some 
of the people are a little perturbed at me, as I do not give out free support for MS any longer, why should I help Bill Gates get 
any richer?
	There are many ways that one can promote Linux, and you have not even scratched the surface with your flame. 
A pretty lame flame if I might say so.
	I have one question for you, who died and made you our Linux God.  Are you some sort of messiah? Or are you 
just trying to impress someone.?
	I too believe, that "I" should "give back" when I am done any good deed, I even do some good deeds without 
having something done for me first. But it is not up to me, or you, to delegate just when, why, or how much others should give 
back. I dont like your attitude, and think that you should leave such flameing alone.
	I will say this lastly, If linux is truly free, then No payment is Required. But a willingness to help out, in whatever way, 
is appreciated, and benificial to the entire Linux community

							Kevin "Bilbo" McMillan

Linux, the GNU OS for an X Generation.

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