[NTLUG:Discuss] NTLUG Discuss Linux demo Day 99

Steve Baker sjbaker1 at airmail.net
Tue Aug 17 15:55:40 CDT 1999

MadHat wrote:
> I appologize if I cam across hostile or belittling to anyone, that was
> not my intention.  These were the items that _I_ felt should be the main
> point of the Linux Demo Day.

Don't apologize - this is a discussion - and your views need to be

I agree that the END RESULT of demo day should be to get more people to
want to use Linux for word processing, net surfing and playing Quake -
that doesn't mean that you have to attack that problem head on...

Personally, I can't imagine a row of Linux boxes running any amount of
fancy stuff looking good enough to attract a lot of passers' by...and
the worst thing that can happen is that you get a Windoze enthusiast
go down the line of machines pointing out that Word is better than
WordPerfect, windoze runs Netscape too, NT can act as a file server,
Windoze runs Quake too (15% faster than Linux actually)...that kind
of reaction (largely true BTW) could backfire badly.

OTOH, the "COOL" factor WILL attract people.  Once you have them
stopped and interested, show or tell them about other cool Linux
stuff.  Linux isn't about a particular word processor, it's about
a sense of community - about self-help and the ability to call on
the help of others.  Showing that we are a bunch of friendly
guru's who will answer your every question will do more for our
cause than showing that we can import .DOC files.

One other thing that I'd like to see at an in-store presentation
would be to get the LIP guys in on the act.  "FREE LINUX WITH

Finally, I really can't imagine stores that sell 99% of their
software to the Microsoft world allowing us to promote freeware
alternatives that will directly hit their business.  However, if
we are there for some other reason and someone happens to ASK
if we can read DOC files then we would of course answer truthfully.

Well, whatever we decide about the 24-hr game hackathon, we'd better
soon. There appear (from posts to this list) to be people already off
talking to stores, VA Linux for loaner boxes and a journalist.

If we are going to nix it (or condem it to a dark conference room at
...the same thing IMHO) then we need to do it *SOON*...or at least get
everyone to hold of on making any committments until the next NTLUG
meeting where we can discuss it properly and vote or something.

Steve Baker                  http://web2.airmail.net/sjbaker1
sjbaker1 at airmail.net (home)  http://www.woodsoup.org/~sbaker
sjbaker at hti.com      (work)

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