[NTLUG:Discuss] Linux Demo Day Questions

Carter B. Bennett lhcs at fastlane.net
Wed Sep 8 09:53:58 CDT 1999

Hi all,
Just a few questions. Is the Stripling & Cox North Hills Mall store of any
intrust for the Demo Day Event?
If so, what days, the 11th or 12th or both days? (the rest of the week they
are booked up with a sidewalk sale)
Who will be showing up and when?
Will they be bringing computers and power strips and tables? (Are you
expecting the store to supply anything but power?)
Do you want any of the older 486's to show Linux useability on older
Will you be bringing pamphlets and low cost of free CD's?
Do you want mention of the event in the weekend add for the newspaper?

Please call me and let me know as soon as possible so I can tell the store
I can be reached at 817-347-0258 from 8:30AM to 5:00PM weekdays.

You may be able to kill two birds with one stone, but, in the end when it's
all over, all you really have are two dead birds, and your short one stone.

Carter B. Bennett
Little House Computer Service (LHCS)
Proud user of Linux & Linux Based Products

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