[NTLUG:Discuss] RHCE classes in Dallas

Kendall Clark kclark at ntlug.org
Fri Sep 24 12:22:04 CDT 1999

>>>>> "Brian" == Brian  <briank at hex.net> writes:

    Brian> There's questionable value in these cert. programs
    Brian> anyways...your $2000+ could be better spent elsewhere.  I
    Brian> interview candidates regularly, and certification just
    Brian> isn't high on my list of things to look for.

Here's what I'd suggest for that $2,000:

1. Spend $500 on O'Reilly books
2. Spend $1,000 on a computer to run Linux full-time as a server
3. Put $500 in your kid's college fund

Spend 6 months using Linux on your new computer *all-the-time*.

Eventually the urge to get certified will go away. If your *company*
is insisting you be certified, and not paying for it, do not walk,
run, away as fast as possible.



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