[NTLUG:Discuss] Study Group...

Stephen Klein jaguar at cyberramp.net
Mon Sep 27 03:15:04 CDT 1999

Steve Baker wrote:
> Seems like NTLUG is large enough that it would be worth seriously
> considering creating some local chapters to meet between the main
> NTLUG monthly events.
> However, rather than doing it haphazardly, perhaps it would be
> a good idea to try to figure out where the clusters of interested
> people are.
> (BTW:  I live in Cedar Hill - and I'd be interested in some
> kind of South Arlington/South Grand Prairie/Cedar Hill group
> meeting perhaps monthly in anti-phase with the main meetings.)
> --
> Steve Baker                  http://web2.airmail.net/sjbaker1
> sjbaker1 at airmail.net (home)  http://www.woodsoup.org/~sbaker
> sjbaker at hti.com      (work)
> _______________________________________________
> http://ntlug.org/mailman/listinfo/discuss

That is an interesting idea, maybe meeting later in the day on the first
Saturday of every month or something.  I kinda feel that once a month is
just to far between meetings, but it's probably not practical for a big
group like the whole of NTLUG.  It would be nice if we could split into
smaller groups, that would make for easier discussions, and then have
the full meetings as well.

Getting things started and keeping them going at first is going to be
the hard part.  But, I'm sure that once things do get going, it'll keep
going on it's own.

I also live in Cedar Hill, so a small local group based somewhere around
here would be great for me.

(Gee, look at me, only a few meetings attended so far and I'm already
wantin to change things. <GRIN>)


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