[NTLUG:Discuss] Friday -- Hillcrest Project

TJ Bell tjbell at usa.net
Tue Oct 19 09:17:10 CDT 1999

Kathleen Weaver wrote:
> Friday afternoon we are going to have an initial planning session with anyone interested in game design.  I would like to invite anyone who is experienced with planning large projects to come.  The meeting will start at 2:15 as that is when my AP Computer Science class meets.
> For those who don't remember <smile> I got the bright idea of writing a Math TAAS "game".  I want it to be multiplatform which means, web based and run on a Linux server.  I have two groups of computer science students working on it -- one group are learning C++ and the other group are learning web design, etc.
> If you are interested, please join the Hillcrest discussion list at hillcrest at click-l.com   To join, send an email message to majordomo at click-l.com and in the message body state:  subscribe hillcrest

I think telling people to shoot for being there at 2:00 would be a good
idea as I know I have a habit of being a few minutes late...I'm sure
there are others like that.  Classtime is only, what? an hour?

TJ Bell  -aka-  MudPoet
  echo tjbexx at usa.nyz | tr xyz let
  Check out project XaImCQ!!

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