[NTLUG:Discuss] SuSE vs. RedHat 6.1

MadHat madhat at unspecific.com
Fri Oct 22 11:11:54 CDT 1999

Kyle Edbauer wrote:
> I don't understand why a discussion of the advantages and disadvatages of
> different linux distributions would be a bad topic for a linux listserve.
> A lot of people are probably still using the first distribution they ever
> picked up.  How would exposure or differing opinions necessarily result
> in a "religious war"?  If someone uses pico as their text editor, then
> maybe a discussion of vi vs emacs would be of benefit to that individual.
> I personally am interested in hearing about experiences other users have
> had with different distributions, and would be particulary interested in
> hearing about using the Debian and Mandrake distros.
> Kyle

Sorry, that isn't what I meant.  I mean that it should not become the
type of "You suck for using xxxxx", "Distro xxxx sucks and should nevber
be used", or somthing of that nature.  Of course we are going to discuss
different Distros and what problems are had with each one, I just don't
think it should be taken it to the extent that somone says one Distro is
_always_ better than _all_ others, reguardless.  I started using Debian,
then Slackware, now I use RH almost exclusively.  The Distro doesn't
really matter to me because I always install only what is necessary
(very minimal) and customize from there.  I just like RH and RPM.  I
also like SuSE, but choose not to use it at this time.  But I will not
tell spomeone else to not use a particular Distro, I will just recomend
on what I know.

Does that make more sence?


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