[NTLUG:Discuss] SMP under SuSE 6.3

Steve Baker sjbaker1 at airmail.net
Wed Jan 26 22:38:35 CST 2000

"Koren, Peter A." wrote:
> I am going to be installing Suse 6.3 this weekend on a dual Celeron based
> machine and I'll let you know how it goes. If it is flaky, I'll just
> recompile the latest kernel to see if that fixes it.

Thanks - I appreciate it.
> BTW, do you think it is best to install everything and then remove stuff
> after the install? I want development tools, but have no need for most of
> the languages Suse installs if you choose the development option. I am just
> afraid that if I try to remove some language packages, that some libraries
> common to other languages will get zapped. Or is that just my paranoia?

In *theory* the RPM dependancies should prevent you from doing
that without deliberately overriding some options.  I'm pretty
sure that those dependancies are not 100% correctly set up though,
so it's probably not impossible to screw it all up by accident.

> With Suse, disk size sure does count.

Well, if you install a lot of stuff, it takes a lot of space.  The
stuff you're installing is exactly the same as it would be if you
installed it using RedHat or whatever.

The biggest problem is that if you install with YAST2, your choices
as to what you do or don't install are EXTREMELY limited. "Minimal"
doesn't include X-windows - "Nearly Everything" includes 6GiB of
stuff - including the German ZIP code directory. "Default" is
therefore the only useful option for most people.

So don't do that - install with YAST-1 using the second CD-ROM and
you can pick and choose what you want.

Steve Baker                  http://web2.airmail.net/sjbaker1
sjbaker1 at airmail.net (home)  http://www.woodsoup.org/~sbaker
sjbaker at hti.com      (work)

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