[NTLUG:Discuss] Printing probs.

MadHat madhat at unspecific.com
Tue Feb 15 09:45:16 CST 2000

"Carter B. Bennett" wrote:
>  Hi All,
>  I am trying to set up remote printing. The server is running RH 5.1 and has
>  a Okidata laser printer attached. The workgroup computer has Corel Linux
>  installed, I am trying to use the print tool in the Control Panel of the
>  workgroup computer but it's just not working.
>  I will say that I had RH 6.0 installed on this same workgroup computer and
>  using Red Hat's print tool it was no problem printing. I have tried setting
>  up as a remote Unix printer and SAMBA neither worked. I have messed with it
>  so much I don't know where to begin. The manual is useless on the subject.
>  If someone could give me some things to check, or steps to take.
>  I have talked my company into standardizing on Linux and picked Corel Linux
>  for it's ease of use ( don't laugh ). I have 75 to 80 of these things to
>  setup. HELP PLEASE.

I won't laugh, but I will say I am sorry.  I have found that Dist to be
more trouble than it is worth when reliability is concerned, but hey,
what ever works for you is what you should choose|use.

I would set up a RedHat box and make it work with its tools (since you
got it to work before), then take the /etc/printcap from the RH box and
put it on the Corel box and restart lpd and see if that works.  If it
does work, then just have that file (the /etc/printcap) ready to
push|pull to all the new clients when setting them up.  Otherwise, look
at the logs and see if there are any errors.

%_=split';','f; Perl ;h;st a;o;ker;@;not;.;hac;u;her;d;ju';
print map $_{$_}, split //,
'madhat at unspecific.com'

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