[NTLUG:Discuss] NTLUG veterans helping Linux newbies?

Rick Cook rcook at hex.net
Wed Feb 23 01:39:38 CST 2000

---------- on Wed, 23 Feb 2000 00:52:44 -0600 (CST) , betaray at kludge.org said ->
>> OK, I want to clarify something. The kind of things that I was talking
>> about with NTLUG sponsored event were things like the lip, just for the
>> uber nerds. I've recently become extremely intrested in getting Linux on
>> just about any weird peice of hardware I can find, yet I don't own every

I only personally work with Linux on three "weird pieces" of hardware:
m68k,  ppc, and x86 (the weirdest by far being x86).

I am participating in adding Macintosh m68k support to the Linux/m68k
port that was originally done for Amigas and Ataris. I also occasionally
attempt to boot Linux on a Performa 6300 (not supported by MkLinux
or LinuxPPC) and have an external disk for my daughter's PowerBook
3400c to run LinuxPPC. At work (and at the LIP), I use x86 and dream
about putting Linux on one of the UltraSPARCs.

>> type of hardware out there. That and I'd like to meet more of the advanced
>> users face to face. I don't have any ambitions beyond meeting a couple
>> people, having a couple laughs, and compiling binutils in strange and
>> exotic ways.

So far, I have only compiled binutils (and gcc) as an x86 to m68k cross-compiler,
but I am investigating adding gnat to that "cross-compilation" with ideas of
creating a gnat enabled native m68k version of gcc.

Rick Cook
rcook at ntlug.org
rcook at hex.net

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