[NTLUG:Discuss] proxy

Brian briank at hex.net
Fri Mar 24 13:48:47 CST 2000

Kelly Scroggins wrote:
> What?!
> It's common for a business to limit Internet access for empoyees.  

Is it?  My employer has enough trust in its people not to limit access.

> 1. So it is less likley for a virus or trojan to be introduced to the
> corparate network.

So I take it you would just do away with ftp access?

> 2. So offensive material is less likley to be displayed on a uers
> monitor in the work place, or stored on corporate servers.

This comes down to the quality of the people you hire.

Obviously, I have a point here.  And before someone brands it as a
troll, remember that this list's name is "discuss," which I assume also
covers issues of a moral nature (with a link to Linux, of course).


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