[NTLUG:Discuss] open ports

Jeremy Blosser jblosser at firinn.org
Thu Jun 8 14:05:19 CDT 2000

Kyle_Davenport at compusa.com [Kyle_Davenport at compusa.com] wrote:
> > In the process of checking my machine for security flaws I noticed that
> > my auth & X11 port are open. How should I go about closing these ports?
> You cannot close those ports and run x-windows, but you can secure them with an
> entry for localhosts in /etc/hosts.allow and using ipchains.

He doesn't need auth open for X.

Assuming you're using a popular distribution like RedHat, edit
and comment out the lines for services you don't want to run, such as auth.
Then restart/reload the inet daemon... one method is to run
/etc/rc.d/init.d/inet reload

Jeremy Blosser   |   jblosser at firinn.org   |   http://jblosser.firinn.org/
the crises posed a question / just beneath the skin
the virtue in my veins replied / that quitters never win

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