[NTLUG:Discuss] Corel donates Linux to DISD

Kathleen Weaver kathleen at ticnet.com
Mon Jun 19 09:15:22 CDT 2000

>That is a shame.   It isn't exactly an IEEE-sanctioned language.  How can we
>prepare our future engineers this way?

Gee, I didn't think that WAS my job.  Especially for THIS class.  I really don't think this particular group is going the engineering route ... heck, we're lucky if they graduate ... okay, I'm here at Hillcrest and I've just seen 5 of my former students making up credits.  (And were enrolled in that class -- yes, they passed it with me, but barely.)

>> It would not be fair for a student to attend Samuel High School, then
>> transfer to Hillcrest and find we are doing something totally different.  I
>> wish we had a state standard, as I get kiddos all the time who have been
>> learning Pascal, and can't cope with the class.
>Can't miss with C language.  It is no different that FORTRAN that was a
>standard in my days (snicker).

Hey, I don't care what I teach (within parameters) as long as it's the same.  That's why I like the AP program.

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