[NTLUG:Discuss] DNS setup for .us TLD NEVER MIND!

Egome egome at ticnet.com
Tue Jun 27 21:50:08 CDT 2000

I think I have it worked out...I work on it for three days, give up, leave a message, then figure it out.

I reconfigured my resolv.conf to use nameserver  then modified a few records in /var/named/named.yadda...

I went ahead and submitted the registration using both the primary and secondary DNS pointing to the same physical NIC...we'll see how things go!
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Egome <egome at ticnet.com>
    To: discuss at ntlug.org <discuss at ntlug.org>
    Date: Tuesday, June 27, 2000 7:58 PM
    Subject: [NTLUG:Discuss] DNS setup for .us TLD ?delegated domain?
    Issue 1:
    I am trying  to register a domain under    lewisville.tx.us
    I first need to setup my DNS server to be ready to handle DNS
    requests.  While I can and have setup second level domains (something.com)
    I am having difficulty configuring DNS for a third level domain (a
    locality).  Once I register  mydomain.lewsiville.tx.us  it is my understanding
    that I will then have hosts under that domain...such as
    NS.mydomain.lewisville.tx.us   and CNAME records like  www.mydomain.lewisville.tx.us
    I've tried setting up my DNS to handle such requests but NSLOOKUP always fails when I query my own DNS record for an entry that I have made... such as    ns.mydomain.lewisville.tx.us  
    Am I missing something config wise??  Because this is a third level domain, must all queries go back to ns.gen.tx.us FIRST and T H E N  come to me??  Should I just submit the application and see what happens??  
    Issue 2:
    I understand that it is technically invalid to have one server serve as both primary and secondary DNS server.  In the case of having to satisfy the requirements to have two DNS servers, is it possible to configure your primary DNS server with a secondary IP address and have the DNS service respond for both?  How would that be done?
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