[NTLUG:Discuss] PPP and LAN

MadHat madhat at unspecific.com
Thu Nov 2 13:24:41 CST 2000

MadHat wrote:
> I know there is an easy answer here, but I can't find it....
> I have a box on a lan, and I want to get that box to dial out to connect
> to an ISP and get some data.  But to get it to dial out I have to shut
> off the LAN first.  This is very anoying if I am not sitting in front of
> that machine and want to test the scipts I am using.  2.2.x kernel,
> using pppd and chat in a script to connect (not ppp-up or kppp or
> anything like that).
> Everything appears to work fine, except the connection will die unless
> the LAN is taken down first (no error messages any the logs).  I am
> looking through the HOWTOs and searching, but do not see an answer,
> though I now it is out there.
> Thanks

Thanks...  it was a default route issue.  I added static routes for the
local machines, so that I can ssh into the box from the LAN, but can't
get out to the internet (fine for now), and when I dialup, I get a
default route set by pppd, and everything is happy.

Thanks again

MadHat at unspecific.com
                                   "The 3 great virtues of a programmer:
                                      Laziness, Impatience, and Hubris."
                                                 --Larry Wall

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