[NTLUG:Discuss] attn: newbies!

kbrannen@gte.net kbrannen at gte.net
Tue Apr 10 00:29:38 CDT 2001

Christopher Browne wrote:
> It may be easy enough to characterize Slackware, but I'm not sure how
> you're going to be able to distinguish between Red Hat, SuSE,
> Mandrake, TurboLinux, and Caldera without being _forced_ to opinionate
> in a way that is going to lead to acrimony.
> After all, they _all_ have pretty common sets of goals, specifically:
>              To sell boxes to users.

One could distinguish on their philosophy or goals without being overly
negative.  For example, I like SuSE because I think it strikes a nice balance
between "free" and "commercial".  I don't care for Debian because their
philosophy doesn't seem to allow commerical software on their CDs.  I don't
think Debian has a bad philosophy, just that it doesn't fit me.


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