[NTLUG:Discuss] Re: Strange Request, Maybe?

cbbrowne@hex.net cbbrowne at hex.net
Mon May 7 13:30:38 CDT 2001

On Mon, 07 May 2001 11:08:08 CDT, the world broke into rejoicing as
"Ted B Dodd" <tedbdodd at bigfoot.com>  said:
> On 7 May 2001, at 11:15, Carter B. Bennett wrote:
>> I am proud of my Linux boxes, I am using them for Web and email
>> services. Our payroll and AP are even running on a Red Hat box. But
>> now the worst has happened, the owner has hired a consulting firm
>> to tell them Windoz is the only way to go and scare them away from
>> Linux.

>> Enough with the background, I am looking for data on when NT or Win
>> 2k Pro. fall on there face as opposed to Unix. I don't know if I
>> will be able to keep my linux boxes but I would at least settle for
>> Sun's OS in the backend.

>> I am looking for data on scaling Win whatever vs Unix, reliability,
>> and security issues. I know this is short notice but I have a 1:00
>> PM meeting and would like some info if anyone knows where I can
>> look, the data needs to be pretty straight forward these people are
>> VP's and P's not techs.

> Take some K-Y jelly with you to the meeting, because you are
> screwed.  It matters not what kind of information you provide.  It
> will be ignored or downplayed.  Enjoy the ride.  Good luck.

Sadly, this is likely the most realistic recommendation of the bunch.

If the owner _wants_ to listen to the consulting firm, then all the
technical arguments in the world are unlikely to prevail.

It sounds as if what is going on is a _political_ battle.  

The only sort of victory that is likely is the Pyrric victory of
watching the W2K boxes come in, get the resume tuned up, and walk
away, pulling one of the "technical support" legs out from under the
replacement system.  That might further contribute to likelihood of
failure of the replacement project.

But that's a Pyrric victory; the only "good" is that W2K gets
trounced; everyone else in the process gets beat up bad too.
(reverse (concatenate 'string "ac.notelrac.teneerf@" "454aa"))
"If you reinvent  the square wheel, you will  not benefit when someone
else rounds off the corners."  -- Henry Spencer

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