[NTLUG:Discuss] Linux modem drivers

MadHat madhat at unspecific.com
Fri Jul 27 13:07:20 CDT 2001


At 10:43 PM 7/26/2001 -0500, you wrote:
>Herman Finkler wrote:
> >
> > Is there any place with all or most modem drivers for Linux?
> >
>erm... I dont know if the situation with so-called win-modems (cheap
>modems that require a windows driver) has changed.  If there are any
>drivers they would likely be in the Linux kernel source.  However, if
>you do have such a modem you may be out of luck.  It used to be the case
>that Linux would only work with the standard modems (which already had
>the firmware to operate the modem).  You generally didnt ever have to
>load any modem software into DOS to operate the modem  IIRC, and so with
>Linux.  The plug and play devices of course need to be setup, but there
>are standard tools in both linux and Windows* to get the devices up and
>running if the bios hasnt already set PNP up.   (actually, for the
>longest time I have configured the linux kernel not to muck with PNP
>stuff when it boots because originally pnp wasn't built into the kernel
>but my computer with connected devices worked fine without the kernel's
>Jay Cox

MadHat at unspecific.com

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