[NTLUG:Discuss] SSSCA To Make Linux/BSD Illegal?

Michael Owens owensmk at earthlink.net
Wed Sep 19 08:02:22 CDT 2001

I'm not the best at keeping up with current events, and perhaps this is old  
hat to most of you, but I just read something rather disturbing in Network 
World this morning. It referred to the Security Systems Standards and 
Certification Act, legislation being introduced by Sen. Fred Hollingsworth 
this year, which is more or less an attempt to make it illegal to use 
anything other than closed/proprietary operating systems on any "interactive 
digital device." Yes, that deliberately nebulous term seems to cover every 
thing from microwave ovens to PCs to satellites. Supposedly, it is the 
entertainment industry's baby, but many seem to think that it reeks with a 
stench more peculiar to Micro$oft.


The Network World Article

A short synopsis

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