[NTLUG:Discuss] Let Freedom Ring! DeCSS code is speech! ...well, almost.

J. Jentink jjentink at home.com
Thu Nov 1 23:09:21 CST 2001

Chris Cox said....
> Wow... what a nice way to end the day!!
>    http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=01/11/01/1953236
> Linux is free. Life is good.
> DeCSS is speech.  If only there were some good DVDs.

I think the article actually said that DeCSS _source_ code is
considered speech but they considered this very different from
_compiled_ code. So, close but no cigar.

This is like the law allowing you to write a book about how to make
drugs but if you try to use the book it is illegal... and especially
annoying, if you are caught. This would mean that even directly
interpetting the free speech, source code via an interpretter might
still be illegal.


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