[NTLUG:Discuss] Re: Discuss digest, Vol 1 #979 - 1 msgs

Swapan Sarkar swapan at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 16 10:51:22 CST 2001

> > I think PC games companies are already seeing the
> > of doing the artwork for their games under Linux -
but that
> > really has nothing to do with the platforms they
are developing> > *for*.> 
> > But I'm sceptical about how much that's going to
help us to get
> > games that run on Linux...the two aren't really
> Right. It's not like Linux makes for an
intrinsically bad computer
> gaming platform. The technology is there for a
decent gaming
> environment. The problem is that the market isn't
there yet.
--- I guess I was not clear enough. We do not 
--- have to take it pessimistally (Linux not being 
--- intrinsically bad computer gaming platform). 
--- What I meant earlier was that the day we see 
--- Hollywood GFX evolve into such a state that 
--- Linux makes it a much better platform to run 
--- games than Windows, we will beat them. For 
--- this we need a killer game for Linux and the
--- creativity of these guys makes me believe that
--- one day it will happen.
--- Swapan

Yes - exactly.  I think it's pretty much accepted
(thanks to the
Quake ports and Loki's effort) that Linux is quite
capable of running
games of at least equal speed and sophistication to
That was a hard battle to win because there was
initially no 3D graphics
hardware accelleration - then very poor OpenGL support
- then no 3D
sound...but those issues have now been dealt with and
Linux can essentially
do all the important things that games need.
The only remaining issues are of an economic nature.
----------------------------- Steve Baker 

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