[NTLUG:Discuss] Apache help

Greg Edwards greg at nas-inet.com
Sat Dec 29 11:10:21 CST 2001

I've got 2 problems that I can't seem to get resolved with Apache.

The first is trying to get named vhosts to work through a NAT setup.

Internally my virtual hosts resolve correctly.  However, when I setup my
virtual hosts for outside access all requests resolve to the first
defined vhost.  I use a single IP to the outside world and I'm routed
into my webserver through a NAT device.  Has anyone been able to make
this work?  How?

The second is trying to use a single directory outside of the web space
to access include files for .shtml files.

I've tried to declare an alias as "/include/" "/path/include/" and then
using <!--#include file="/include/somefile.inc"--> it never resolves the
file.  When I add a symbolic link to the directory that the web page is
in and use <!--#include file="include/somefile.inc"--> everything works
as advertised.  Is this an apache bug, or never meant to work this way? 
I am able to prevent access to the include directory but I'd rather not
have to create a link for every directory that I want to run a .shtml
file in.

Greg Edwards
New Age Software, Inc.

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