[NTLUG:Discuss] Texas OpenSource Initiative

Greg Edwards greg at nas-inet.com
Wed Apr 10 16:44:57 CDT 2002

Bobby Sanders wrote:
> --On Tue, 9 Apr 2002 14:46:12 -0500, "Bob Byron" <bbyron at radit.com> said:
>   >> It's time for the Texas LUGS to sponsor a bill to promote
>   >> Opensource software in the state.
>   BB> I am not attempting to be belligerent here, but why?  I believe
>   BB> in and frequently use OpenSource software, but why does the
>   BB> state legislature need to get involved?

> 3.  I think it is a great idea to try to get the state changed over to
> OpenSource just for the financial saving to us taxpayers if for no
> other reason.  However, before this will have any chance of success it
> will be necessary to locate a State Representative and, hopefully, a
> State Senator that understand or at least willing to learn about
> OpenSource.  (Anybody talk computers with their local reps?)  Only
> representatives can introduce legislation and it is almost imperative
> to have committed reps to work hard on this project.  I guess we could
> try a grass roots approach but I think the other way would have a much
> better chance of success.
> All IMHO
> Bobby Sanders

I think the last thing we need is more LAWS for these folks to play
with.  I agree fully that the cost and belligerent nature of MS only
houses should not be tolerated.  Especially when its my money that
builds the house.

The way to make this happen (IMHO) is not through law but through
information and the bean counters.  Get the attention of the bean
counters cause they are about the numbers and not who is padding the
campaign war chests.  At the same time you provide the numbers to the
bean counters make sure that the general public knows that the numbers
are being provided to them.  Everything they get the newspapers and TV
news departments get, and make sure the bean counters know the news
people have it.  Once you've gotten these two ducks lined up any
politician that ignores the obvious will have to explain why to a public
that doesn't like taxes.  Especially when it is to support someone who
doesn't need the extra money anyway.

If you want to make this happen someone will have to put together a real
life cost analysis which includes conversion and training costs.  This
may be a project that all the LUGS could get together on.  Who knows
maybe the Texas LUGS could start a national trend that would have a
serious impact on the future of OpenSource by forcing MS to compete for
its Government install base at all levels.

Florida opened the door, maybe Texas can open the flood gates! :)

If this is something that you want to do NOW is the time to do it.  This
is an election year with both state and federal campaigns talkin the
talk after all.  If you get just one of them interested and it becomes a
campaign issue you'll have your stage.  But, this window of opportunity
is very narrow and someone will have to step up quickly to get the ball
rolling.  I'm sure we can muster plenty of input from NTLUG and the
other Texas LUGS but someone that has plenty of time and good
organizational skills will have to raise their hand.

Greg Edwards
New Age Software, Inc.

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