[NTLUG:Discuss] Dumb question

Chris Cox cjcox at acm.org
Fri May 10 11:48:51 CDT 2002

Greg Edwards wrote:

> OK so this is a dumb question and I'm being a little lazy about hunting
> it down again ;)
> Where do I enter root to be an authorized X-Window user?
> TIA,

This message is not well worded.  My guess is that you are su-ing to
root and want to run an X client program on your X server and it is
telling you that you are not authorized to connect to the server?

The easy, but not to secure solution is to do an xhost + as the
user that owns the display (the one who started the X server).

The harder, but better way is to use xauth to authorize the root
user to use the display (man xauth).

SuSE, for what is is worth, has a utility called sux (what a name!)
that does the su and xauth stuff for the root user.

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