[NTLUG:Discuss] Web pages graphics question

Jack Snodgrass jack+ntlug at mylinuxguy.net
Mon Feb 17 19:57:49 CST 2003

There are some 'tabs' on this page:

What is the easiest / quickest way to reproduce tabs 
( there is an 'on' and 'off' version of each tab ) so 
that I can generated my own on/off tabs for my web

I know that I can use Gimp to download a tab, 
remove the text, type in new text, save it, etc. 

If I have more text than I have tab 'width', 
I'm not sure how I can just expand it. 

Gimp seems awful complicated if all I want to do is
generate some tabs. 

I'd like to be able to have a list of words and type 
'go' and have some program read my words, generate
tab images and be done with it. If I want to fix a spelling
error or add more tabs, I update my file of words and type 
'go' again. 

Are there any programs that will let me do something like

Thanks - jack 

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