[NTLUG:Discuss] why is cron user different from user

Vaidya, Harshal (Cognizant) HarshalV at pun.COGNIZANT.COM
Thu Mar 6 00:48:37 CST 2003

Check the file ownership. I'm sure that when the cron job created the files it set the owner of the file to someone other than the user ABC. That's why you are getting the permission error.

Hope this helped.


-----Original Message-----
From: Fred James [mailto:fredjame at concentric.net]
Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 11:36 PM
To: Discuss North Texas Linux Users Group
Subject: [NTLUG:Discuss] why is cron user different from user

RH 7.3 - if that makes a difference.
I have run into this on different systems, so I don't think the distro 
makes a difference but I could be wrong.
User ABC set her/his crontab to start a script, and the script creates 
some files.
User ABC runs a script from the command line to "mv" those files, and 
gets a "Permission denied" message.
What's up with that?

"It's not nice to fool Mother OS." --anonymous

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