[NTLUG:Discuss] P-200's and Peanut Linux

G S falconjetflyer at netscape.net
Wed May 7 13:18:23 CDT 2003

Wow, what great feedback.    You guys are the best.   This time and 

jsinor at comcast.net wrote:

>On Sun, 04 May 2003 15:32:20 -0500
>G S <falconjetflyer at netscape.net> wrote:
>>I am the proud owner of about 40 p-200 computers and I am toying with 
>>loading Peanut Linux
>>on them before sale.     I tried on one Compaq 4000 200MMX machine
>>with 32 meg of RAM
>>and had a tough time getting it to install.   It was kind of a 
>>progressive affair.    
>Interesting that you are selling some of these, as I am interested in
>some extra "victim" boxes for some testing I am doing.
>>These machines are P-200's, 32m RAM, 2.5 gb HD.      Am I pissing in
>>the wind wanting to run Linux with X windows on a machine this small? 
>>   Is 
>>Peanut Linux any good,   Has anyone tried it.    What are the problems
>>with it.    
>>Is there a better small distro?      
>As for your X11 question, it depends.  If you want to use the later
>Gnome and KDE, you probably are in trouble. You will probably want
>256-512MB of swap just to be safe, though this seriously eats into your
>2.5GB disk. I would recommend Slackware or Debian as they have
>minimalistic installers and are easy to get on small/old/slow hardware. 
>They are also fairly widely known.  I would also recommend a more
>minimalistic window manager such as icewm/twm/fvwm2 as this will give
>you more acceptable GUI performance. (You can still *install* KDE and
>Gnome and even use their apps if you wnat to).

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