[NTLUG:Discuss] sh question - extra eyes needed

Fred James fredjame at concentric.net
Wed Jun 25 07:19:33 CDT 2003

Stephen Davidson wrote:

[original question answered, and so omitted here - except to mention 
again, with many thanks to the person who pointed it out, that the 
ending EOF of a pair must start in column one]

> Hi Fred.
> In all the scripts on my system, there is a ';' before the then.
> Don't know if that is what the issue is here or not.
> Regards,
> Steve 

The ';' means end of command to the shell.
#> date;ls
is essentially the same as
#> date
#> ls
The ';' is can be used within the shell script to separate commands that 
have been entered on the same line.  But generally, for easy of reading 
by humans, a newline is used instead, and accomplishes the same thing 
(just as it does at the shell prompt).
Hope this helps.

...small is beautiful

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