[NTLUG:Discuss] mount NTFS on RH9?

Tom Adelstein adelste at netscape.net
Mon Aug 4 18:01:06 CDT 2003

rusty at fe2o3.lonestar.org wrote:
> Quick question:
>    I just made my new laptop dualboot (guess I'm weakening in my old
> age) with Win2K and RH9.  I want to mount the NTFS partition when I'm
> in Linux.  'mount(8)' indicates that it can handle HPFS/NTFS arguments
> in the -t option.  Alas, mount fails when I give it either HPFS or
> NTFS (in lowercase) says that the kernel doesn't handle these file
> systems.  Is this the way RH9 comes out of the box?  And will I have
> to recompile something (mount, the kernel, what?) to be able to do
> this?  Have I missed something here? 
>     -Rusty-

I'm pretty sure about this, at the least if can narrow the support question.

I don't believe the kernel supports ntfs version 5 in RH 9.

I've tried everything so far and busted out.

You have may to do a recompile for the RH Kernel.

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