[NTLUG:Discuss] Tablet computer: progress report

Lance Simmons lance at lsimmons.net
Tue Nov 4 23:50:20 CST 2003

* Lance Simmons <lance at lsimmons.net> [031104 19:51]:
> In fullscreen mode, the entire display is given over to showing text,
> with a small scrollbar off to the right.

There may be some other way to do this, but adding

	<body style="overflow:hidden;">

to whatever html one is reading gets rid of the scrollbar.  So now my
ebook reader has a full (5 in x 7 in, 600x800) display of nothing but
pretty black text on a bright white background.  Every part of the
display is either white background or black text, just like in a real
book.  :)

If there were a way to eliminate the scrollbar without having to modify
the html files, that would be nice.

Lance Simmons

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