[NTLUG:Discuss] Abandoning FAT for ? ext2 ?

Wayne Patterson wjpatterson at charter.net
Thu Dec 4 10:43:18 CST 2003

Correct me if I'm wrong but, the only FAT in Linux is in the floppy. 
Unless you have added some stuff like wine.

Richard Geoffrion wrote:

>Microsoft to Charge for FAT File System
>"According to Microsoft, the Redmond company is going to charge a license
>fee for any product that is formatted in FAT by the manufacturer. Any
>manufacturer of compact flash memory cards or digital cameras may end up
>paying Microsoft as much as $250,000 for the use of the file format. The FAT
>File System is covered by several US patents." (see
>http://www.microsoft.com/mscorp/ip/tech/fat.asp )
>See also: http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/4/34348.html
>So..can the FAT file system be easily removed from Linux?  Doesn't Caldera
>own DRDOS? Isn't that FAT?  What about FREEDOS? Isn't that FAT?  How can FAT
>not be in the public domain?
>So, push come to shove...do we remove FAT from Linux?   Is there an ext2
>port to win32?
>This is just plain maddning!!  There should be a law that says something
>like "if you don't stick up for your IP rights..then you've given them up!"
>You know..kinda like logos.  If you don't protect your logo, then it no
>longer counts as your logo...that kind of thing.

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