[NTLUG:Discuss] City of Austin moving 80% of desktops to Open Office

Rev. wRy slot0k at pogox.org
Wed Dec 17 12:51:52 CST 2003

Lance Simmons wrote:

> Woah.  I meant the question in a simpleminded way:  Since the story
> mentioned the Austin LUG, I figured the story had something to do with
> Linux, but I couldn't see what.
> So I thought I'd ask.
> Sorry for the terse way I put the question.

Sorry for my terse response - I would have thought it was readily apparent:

For those of us using *nix it means that we *should* be able to open 
just about anything the City of Austin sends to us correspondence wise 
(without having to track down the latest and greatest from M$) in the 
very near future.  It may lead to greater acceptance of open source on a 
state level or even that holy of holiest grails - the use of open 
standards in our govt. IT shops, so it won't matter what OS we use.

I can see where it's not completely on topic, but it may be a precursor 
to some very good news for Linux users all over the state, hence my 
original post.


Rev. wRy

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