[NTLUG:Discuss] OT: Fried

clayramsey1@comcast.net clayramsey1 at comcast.net
Mon Feb 9 15:51:06 CST 2004

I agree with much of what you say, BUT....

there is very little that anyone in DC can REALLY do to stop it.

collectively, we are too expensive.  I saw this from the other side at my last job (IT support for headhunters).....

Firms were paying BIG bucks in many cases for relatively lightly qualified staff - and they DO NOT, or should I say, WILL NOT do that again.  Remember the "paper MCSE"?  The "paper CCNA"?

As I see it, the logic of the corp. staffing people will be this:

"If we are gonna have "sorta" qualed staff, we're gonna pay less for 'em.

The 90s are gone.... I just hope and pray for the next big US innovation to come along.  

If I may make a ssuggestion - there are a SHITLOAD of small firms still running 3.1, 95, and 98, in need of serious IT help.  Hanging out your shingle (directed at noone in particular) might be a good idea.

> Ok, this may get me kicked off the list, if so, so be it!
> I've really had enough of this H1-B visa crap!!!  Did anyone catch the 
> Tech-Bits note in the Dallas Morning News about 43,500 of the authorized 
> 65,000 H1-B visas for this year already being used.  Again the reason 
> given for hiring these people is that American workers can't be found to 
> fill these jobs.
> It's about GREED not about qualifications or lack of local workers. 
> Those of you that want to defend this BS just stick a sock in it!!!!
> With over 360,000 IT workers in this country collecting unemployment and 
> an unknown number working as greeters at Walmart or asking if you want 
> fries with that, this dog just don't hunt!!  And don't even try that 
> argument about better trained or superior skills.  Tell those (and I 
> know several) people that trained the cheaper worker who gave them the 
> pleasure of collecting unemployment!@!!
> The last 3 years have been about nothing more that greed.  Starting at 
> the White House, the congress, the state houses, the corporate board 
> rooms, and the executive suites.  And like good little lambs us little 
> people have paraded ourselves right into the slaughter house.  Our 
> entire economy, technical lead, and future have been sold to the lowest 
> bidder.
> People better wake up and smell the roses because it's already too late. 
>   This so called recovery has created an economy that builds nothing and 
> creates nothing.  Of the job loss 32% has been from the tech industry 
> and over 20% from manufacturing.  We're beginning to look like Japan, an 
> economic also-ran.  Microsoft, HP, Dell, GE, Alcatel, Honeywell, and a 
> list as long as my arm no longer build or design it here, they just sell 
> it here!!!
> Alcatel just closed the doors on an entire department and moved the 
> work, not the workers, to Canada.  Verizon will be cutting again. 
> Companies that are expanding are not expanding in the US.  And when they 
> do hire it's at 50%-60% of 1999 salaries.
> -- 
> Greg
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