[NTLUG:Discuss] Anti-linux bias in the media

Greg Edwards greg at nas-inet.com
Fri Feb 13 10:43:33 CST 2004

David Brown wrote:
> One word. Trojans.  They don't require auto-execution.

> This isn't true.  A hacked CVS or source tarbal would be a virus.  Yes, 
> you may run a CRC check, and not open attachments, but there are 500 
> million people that don't.  Therefore the virus would be effective even 
> on Linux.

> Exactly.  I noted this specificlly in my reply.  Quote: "Virus on Linux 
> *will* become more prevalent as Linux grows on the desktop and more 
> non-geek users begin to migrate. "
> My point is computers don't error, they fail.  Only users error.  User 
> error is why most computers get infected by virus.  Even Linux.
> Dave


First off the scenarios that you site are NOT going to be used by novice 
users.  Not too many general desktop users are going to have the 
slightest idea what a tarball is let alone how to pull a CVS archive. 
And if the installer does know what they're doing they'll know better 
than to install new software as root on a production system without testing.

As far as the number increasing, I really have my doubts.  Linux may be 
a new kid on the block, but Linux is built on the *nix concepts and *nix 
OSes have been around the block more that a few times.  If you were 
going to see *nix viruses in abundance they would have showed up years ago.

Are the issues of viruses a concern with Linux?  Are the issues of 
Trojans a concern with Linux?  IMHO, yes to both.  However, they're more 
in the scope of a distraction than a constant vigilance (as with MS).

Greg Edwards
New Age Software, Inc.- http://www.nas-inet.com

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