[NTLUG:Discuss] whoo hoo! Linux = Stability

JM5379@sbcglobal.net JM5379 at sbcglobal.net
Tue Feb 24 14:29:12 CST 2004

<bubble burst>
(from mysql status since uptime rolled over after some amount of

Uptime:			655 days 9 hours 33 min 28 sec

</bubble burst>

but my numbers aren't "official".  ain't it nice to know how long
something CAN last when it's done properly, though? *g*

--- Original Message ---
From: "Richard Geoffrion" <ntlug at rain4us.net>
To: <discuss at ntlug.org>
Subject: [NTLUG:Discuss] whoo hoo!  Linux = Stability

>well, if you measure stability by uptime!
>And according to the Linux counter, I've have the 8th highest
uptime Linux
>box currently being counted. :)
>Uptime[days]   Kernel                   CPU
>587.9              2.4.18-grsec-1.9    Intel Celeron
>Somehow, his statistic gathering scripts noticed the jiffy wrap
that rolled
>my uptime back to 0 days ninety days ago.  Well this was a nice
>Course I'd have TWO servers with that uptime if I hadn't typed
'reboot' in
>the wrong window!  DOH!
>BTW,   'init 1' and 'init 3' work great when a reboot of the box is
>necessary but not desired! I thought the uptime was a goner
today..but we
>got around it! :)  happy happy - joy joy!

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