[NTLUG:Discuss] Interesting List Stats

Alvin Goats agoats at compuserve.com
Sun Jun 20 19:06:27 CDT 2004

> > many companies forbid the use of your own machine.
> I assume you have in mind use of your machine on their network or on
> their premises.  Have there ever been employers who forbid the use of
> your own machine at home? I mean companies that insist their employees
> use only company computers, and only as configured by the company.  (The
> way employees of the Big Three automakers decades ago pressured each
> other to only drive their own company's cars.)  Sounds insane to me, but
> we live in a crazy world.

It falls into two categories:

Those who have laptops and are working away from the work site
(sales&marketing, field engineers, etc). These are configured and
"THOUGH SHALT NOT CHANGE ANYTHING". This applies to company supplied
machines as well as your own personal machine. 

You have a project that could be worked on at home, but CANNOT because
of suspicion of intellectual property theft. IF you are so lucky as to
get to have a little home life bringing something home to work on, then
some companies will insist that you bring your box in to work, they
configure it and you can't change squat after that (as well as they now
know everything you have on your box at home). 

I've seen and experieced all of the above.


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