[NTLUG:Discuss] Dynamic Clients & BIND

Chris Cox cjcox at acm.org
Tue Oct 5 22:15:48 CDT 2004

Stephen Davidson wrote:
> Greetings.
> I am having a bit of an issue with trying to get BIND configured for my 
> home & office networks.  My external IP address is dynamic, and the ISPs 
> DNS servers are sent as part of the DHCP setup.  So how do I get BIND on 
> this computer to serve up IP addresses for DNS requests when I can't 
> configure the nameservers?

Sounds like you're talking about how to get your (local dhcp server) dhcp server to
pass the DNS server entries you get from your ISP (local dhcp client) ??? True?

There's a line like:
option domain-name-servers AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD;

Where you can supply the list of DNS servers that dhcp clients will
hopefully set their resolv information too after getting an address
dynamically from your ISP's dhcp server.

So you run a dhcp client on eth0 (to your WAN to get info from your
ISP)... and you run a dhcp server on eth1 (for example) to feed
your local hosts with IPs and DNS address information.

Are you running dhcpd?... where do your clients get their IPs from?

I may not have fully understood your issue.  Am I on the right path
to what you're looking for?

> I can't be the only person to have had this problem.  Unfortunately, a 
> Google search came back at me with 300K hits, mostly for how to 
> configure DDNS (which I do NOT want to do).
> Regards,
> Steve

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