[NTLUG:Discuss] Re: First Linux patch spoof -- regarding contacting the FBI ...

Paul Ingendorf pauldy at wantek.net
Mon Oct 25 03:37:37 CDT 2004

I looked at the headers you posted and the fact it was sent from apache from
localhost via sendmail with no warning about the user switching the form
address would indicate to me this was done via an httpd exploit remotely.
Thus I would venture to say a compromised machine is in the mix somewhere
(at UTA).

-----Original Message-----
From: discuss-bounces at ntlug.org [mailto:discuss-bounces at ntlug.org]On
Behalf Of Bryan J. Smith
Sent: Sunday, October 24, 2004 6:47 PM
To: leaplist at lists.leap-cf.org
Cc: discuss at ntlug.org
Subject: [NTLUG:Discuss] Re: First Linux patch spoof -- regarding
contacting the FBI ...

On Sun, 2004-10-24 at 19:26, Mark W. Alexander wrote:
> I'm sure you meant to say Red Hat and the FBI. This is interstate fraud
> and a violation of the Computer Abuse Act. Also, isn't this "attack"
> covered by the new anti-spyware bill?

I'm shy to involve the FBI until I know whether or not it is a public
message.  I assumed it was a private message, and not an issue for the
public, until I had confirmation -- hence me e-mail.  And even now
still, I will leave it to Red Hat to initiate such actions, although I
will give them full support along with any other agencies.

Again, in case you didn't realize what I was doing, I didn't post the
question if it was an NTLUG'er (or anyone else) because I had some sort
of ego or wanted to get anyone into trouble.  I wanted to verify it
wasn't just someone screwing around with just me, because if it was, I'd
give them full opportunity to remove the site (and I'd have my posts
removed from the archives).  I don't want someone to get arrested simply
because they wanted to play a joke on me and me only -- and it wasn't
being distributed publicly.

It's not like a server was actively hacked, which is what happened the
server of VimOutliner creator and maintainer Noel Henson in late May /
early June.  In that case, he was very right to contact the FBI ASAP --
an actual event occurred where he went down.  And in that case, I was
just sorry to see that Noel got dragged into someone else's "personal
agenda" (i.e., someone else accused me of hacking the server) not
realizing the full implications of that finger pointing since the FBI
was already involved.

I find it quite ironic that it wasn't Noel who demanded that my repost
to LEAPBUSINESS of those public messages be removed, but the
unprincipled person who had the "personal agenda" once I exposed it.

I like to believe I actually _think_ about someone else's freedom before
my ego or any agenda.  No need to overblow something if it was just an
individual joke -- especially in this post-9/11 climate.

Bryan J. Smith                                  b.j.smith at ieee.org
"Communities don't have rights. Only individuals in the community
 have rights. ... That idea of community rights is firmly rooted
 in the 'Communist Manifesto.'" -- Michael Badnarik


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