[NTLUG:Discuss] Microsoft exiting OS market

Ralph Green, Jr. sfreader at sbcglobal.net
Fri Jan 28 19:26:35 CST 2005

  I was not sure if the article I read this week
was news or just a restatement of prior
announcements.  Evidently, Windows 2000 will get
no more service packs and will no longer be
supported after this summer.  Thus, Microsoft
will no longer be selling operating systems, as
far as I can tell.  They have a couple of
products called XP, but those are just spyware
and DRM platforms with limited OS capability.  I
don't think it would be fair to call them
operating systems.  I know it would not be fair
to a user to inflict XP upon them.  In fact, I
have been trying to think of an application for
them, and I have not come up with any.
Good day,
Ralph Green, Jr.   <severian at pobox.com>

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