[NTLUG:Discuss] Social Engineering Attempt

Courtney Grimland courtney at grimland.net
Fri Feb 4 16:23:33 CST 2005

brad angelcyk wrote:

>Robert: This (setting up sudo) should be a guideline for system
>administration.   The root account should be accessed by as few people
>as possible.  I used to work at an ISP, and the retention of our tech
>support employees was horrible.  I wouldn't have trusted any of them
>with root access.
>Courtney: I'd call the company in Canada and see who they are.
They are a computer game developer in Vancouver, according to their 
website.  My guess would be that the CallerID info was spoofed.

Also, The mail server in question is at a hosting service, so we don't 
have access to anything but the user setup via web browser.  And being a 
part-time support monkey/developer/student, I don't even have access to 
that.  It made me laugh when he tried to convince me that he was some 
kind of field tech for us, since we're only a 6-person company and I've 
been here longer than anyone but the owner.  He spoke very fast and with 
a heavy foriegn accent, like he was trying to confuse the information 
out of me.  After he told me that he worked for us, I realized what was 
happening and asked him who he really was.  That's when I heard a series 
of 5-6 touchtone sounds (too fast to have been done manually) and then 
CLICK - he hung up.  It totally caught me off-guard (the call came right 
after I got in this morning), or else I would have recorded the call and 
played along with him just for fun.  Oh well.

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