[NTLUG:Discuss] OT: universal laptop cooling accessory

Fred James fredjame at fredjame.cnc.net
Tue Feb 22 15:47:57 CST 2005

Since I have posted a couple of times on this subject, and a number of 
kind folks have replied, I thought it only fitting that I might post my 

I have found a  universal laptop cooling accessory that is cheap, 
effective, and easy to use, and so far seems to have solved my "hot" 
laptop problem.

In my case, the feet under my laptop are just over an eighth on an inch 
tall.  By placing a one quarter inch thick stick under the laptop just 
behind the front feet (not under the feet) I have increased the 
clearance between the front of the laptop and the table/desk surface by 
just under one eighth of an inch.  This additional clearance seems to be 
enough to promote, or allow, the requisite air flow to the vent holes in 
the bottom surface of the machine.  Enough at any rate so that the 
running temperature of the machine (to the touch) is significantly, and 
very noticeably, cooler.  In the mean time, the fan seem to be running 
with the about same frequency and duration as before.  Yes, the machine 
is still noticeably warm, but not hot.

I now carry this stick with me in my laptop bag wherever I go.  My stick 
measures (in inches) one eighth by one quarter by twelve, and I stand it 
on edge.  Your requirements, and results, may vary.  I hereby release 
the design concept described herein for distribution to, and for use by, 
anyone, at their own risk entirely, under the latest GNU GPL, free of 

Hope this helps.   Enjoy life, and spread joy wherever you can.

Fred James

Compassion alone stands apart from the continuous traffic between good and evil proceeding within us.  "Om Mani Padme Hum"

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