[NTLUG:Discuss] Mac v. Linux

Will Senn will_senn at comcast.net
Tue Jun 7 16:37:06 CDT 2005

MontyS at videopost.com wrote:

>This is just my opinion...
>Mac OSX should be looked at like Linux-lite.  Mac doesn't have the toolset
>that you are use to seeing in your standard linux distribution.

Sure enough, but with Fink, it's an apt-get away.

>If I could get a desktop system that is Mac OSX based for the price of a
>Windows box, I would do it in a heartbeat. 
Hmm, you really need to get out and shop more - Mac prices are much more 
affordable than they used to be. The Mac comes standard with a lot more 
software than a PC. Take, dev tools, last I checked, studio was about 
500 bucks lowest, 2 grand enterprise edition, XCode is free and the gui 
builder is hard to beat.

>The only way Apple will become a factor in the desktop market is if they
>sell their os in a box, and you can install it on generic hardware. 
Sheesh, they're already a 'factor'. Linus uses a Mac, for goodness sake.

>I still think that most people would move over to Linux if it was easier to
>install and get around.  I mean easy for non-technical people.  For
>instance, to do simple things like play Quicktimes or WMP files, you have to
>jump through hoops.  MP3's?  More hoops.  These are just examples of what
>normal, everyday people want to be able to do by a click of the mouse.


>That being said, let's face it:  The companies that have the money to do
>major marketing, like the RedHat's, IBM's Novell's have seemed to give up
>trying to market their wares to the desktop user.  One could easily argue
>they never even tried.  The vast majority of people have never seen a Mac.
>Even fewer have seen Linux.

I agree - few have seen Linux in action. As for the Mac, I have yet to 
meet anyone who's not aware of the Mac - in academia, the workplace, 
church, soccer, you name it, they've all heard of and seen a Mac at some 

>Oh well, I digress.  Again, just my opinion...

Rousing, that's for sure. Almost gnillort, but fun nonetheless.


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