[NTLUG:Discuss] It's that Stallman guy's fault...

brian@pongonova.net brian at pongonova.net
Sun Apr 2 10:26:56 CDT 2006

I've discovered proof that open source software is actually a
nefarious terrorist plot, no doubt led by that Stallman guy, to bring
down the world as we know it.  And it came from a very reliable source
(Parade magazine, high-brow stuff):

In an article titled "Are We Safer Than Before," the author discloses
that each day the director of the National Counterterrorism Center
gets a daily top-secret dossier with updates across the intelligence
community, including sections titled "National Terrorism Bulletin,"
"Threat Matrix," and "Situation Report."

The section that caught my attention?  "Open Source Intelligence."

Be afraid...be very afraid.

(I think this is a day late...)


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