[NTLUG:Discuss] Offline browsing/mirroring utility

. Daniel xdesign at hotmail.com
Thu May 25 10:43:52 CDT 2006

I've started seeking a utility that will save a website for reference and 
offline browsing and so far, I'm coming up empty-handed.

Specifically, I'm trying to get http://bigyellowbox.tripod.com/.  The site 
hasn't been updated since some time in 2002 and I'd like to get it onto a 
local system as I fear it may disappear after some time.  (attempts to 
contact the author/owner results in "unknown recipient" bounce)

There are ample utilities in Windows and I'm reasonably sure there should 
be something under Linux and I'm baffled that I cannot seem to find any.  
(perhaps I am searching with the wrong key words.)

Anyone have any ideas?

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