[NTLUG:Discuss] Transcoding MP3s

. Daniel xdesign at hotmail.com
Fri Jul 14 13:28:52 CDT 2006

I've got a bunch of MP3s that I had ripped previously.  I tend to rip at 
high quality settings.  I got a car stereo that plays MP3s from CD-Rs, from 
SD memory and from USB thumb drives recently and I find that if the quality 
settings are too high, the MP3s don't play properly.  Seems that it wants 
everything to be at 44k & 128Mbps rate.

A simple solution would be some sort of shell script that would read all 
the files from folder A and process them into Folder B.

Does anyone have any ideas of what I could put into this "black box" to 
make my desired results become reality?

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