[NTLUG:Discuss] folding at home -- slightly OT

John Thomas thomas.ja at comcast.net
Mon Sep 25 08:03:48 CDT 2006

I'm running the Rosetta protein-folding project on my computers.  It's 
one of the projects of the Berkeley Open Infrastructure project at 
http://boinc.berkeley.edu/.  It was interesting to get set up, but it 
runs nicely once you figure out how to do it.  I'm running it on one 
machine under Red Hat Workstation and another on Windows XP.

I'll check out the program you mentioned.

Sally Welch wrote:

>I have recently downloaded software to participate in the distributed
>computing effort to analyze folding proteins.
>Evidently proteins that incorrectly fold contribute to Alzheimers,
>Parkinson's, some cancers, and other diseases.  This project is using
>the processing power of millions of personal computers to analyze
>various proteins, their folding, and misfolding.
>I have the software currently running on Slackware and Ubuntu boxes.
>To use both CPUs on a dual processor system, I just run the program a
>second time, easily configuring it as the second copy of the program.
>To get the Ubuntu program running, I had to download the older of the
>two Linux versions available, but I didn't spend a lot of time
>diagnosing the problem I was having.
>It isn't getting in the way of running my browser, though the network
>seems to be a bit slow, with 3 copies of the program currently running
>on the two computers.  It seems to be a good, legitimate cause.  Does
>anyone else have experience with this effort?


John A. Thomas
thomas.ja at comcast.net
972-660-1823 (home)
972-419-8378 (work)

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