[NTLUG:Discuss] couple of questions

Eric Schnoebelen eric at cirr.com
Wed Oct 25 08:31:28 CDT 2006

Monty Shinn writes:
- Greetings.
- Question 1:
- I have a number of "servers" that run single-disk commodity hardware.
- We do this simply for costs reasons.  What I would like to do is
- make a disk image for each server and store each image on a raid-based
- storage box (or dvd). [...]
- Can anyone point me to a valid howto that describes the above
- scenario?  I am not even sure what to search for.  From what I can
- tell, >>dd<< doesn't appear to do what I want.

	Dunno about a how-to, but there is a free software
package, g4u which aids greatly in doing such things.

Eric Schnoebelen		eric at cirr.com		http://www.cirr.com
      Cats seem to go on the principle that it never does any harm to
	      ask for what you want. -- Joseph Wood Krutch

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