[NTLUG:Discuss] OT email filtering

Fred James fredjame at fredjame.cnc.net
Wed Nov 8 11:29:47 CST 2006

I have two email accounts (corporate and Verizon) that filter email, and 
one (cnc) that did not until I turned it on last week.  The issue is not 
so much that the "junk" piles up at cnc (they hold it for 15 days) but 
the filtering blocks some messages I want (such as some from this and 
other group lists, and some from vendors).  Cnc has an option to add up 
to 100 domains and addresses to a list that will then be "white listed" 
for me.  But here is my question ...

I recently heard that if I add an email address to my address book it 
will no longer be blocked by the ISP filters.  Anyone heard of this?  It 
actually seems to be working.  Thank you in advance for any help you may 
be able to offer.
Fred James

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