[NTLUG:Discuss] need recommendations for a web calendar with email support..

Jay Urish j at unixwolf.net
Mon Jan 22 16:54:23 CST 2007


Search on freshmeat...

Richard Geoffrion wrote:
> Is there a small (or easy to setup/use) web calendar out there that 
> could be used to email notifications of an event as the time 
> approaches?  This could be either a standalone product or something that 
> is tied into another product.  For example, If YABB forum software had a 
> calendar that would allow notification messages to be sent...that would 
> work   Or maybe if the calendar on pmwiki could generate reminder emails 
> -- THAT would be nice!
> I understand that in both these example cases...there are no daemons 
> running on the server that could generate these emails.
> I've searched and searched for something..but have come up empty.

Jay Urish CCNA    Network Engineer
972.691.0125    972.965.6229

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